Rebuild, Restore, Enhance The Mitochondria

Integrating Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex (Poly-MVA)


In Partnership With

Proper and optimum health in every facet truly starts and ends with the Mitochondria. We are excited to offer Education, Advanced Training, and Implementation of Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex in your practice.

These online courses will provide you with the necessary tools to start safely and effectively integrating this important Mitochondrial tool for your patient’s optimum health. We invite physician’s and their staff to join these online course and mastermind sessions that can revolutionize and advance any practice.


We will explore the history and science of a unique dietary supplement – Poly MVA. We’ll talk about it’s humble beginnings, the creator of Poly, and how it does what it does, enhance and support energy.

Date: First Wednesday of every month at 10:00am PST on Zoom

Cost: Free Complimentary

Speaker: Al Sanchez

Sign Up for Session 1


We will again explore Poly MVA as we delve deeper into the potential of this Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex. We’ll walk you through how we use LAMC and share some of our experiences to give you a better understanding of what makes this liquid supplement so special. Handouts and protocols will be provided.

Speaker: Dr. Brenden Cochran


will explore the business end of Poly. We’ll talk about how to talk about Poly and how to build a revenue stream by using your newfound understanding of Poly MVA and this newest addition to your toolbox.

Speakers: Dr. Brenden Cochran, Andy Belanger, Al Sanchez

Sign Up for Sessions 2 and 3 for only $50

Inquire about our Monthly Mastermind sessions!



Al Sanchez is a former college instructor, automotive engineer, researcher, and founder of a cancer research organization and a health resource company. After losing his mother, Julia, sister Tina and maternal grandmother, to colon cancer, he committed to joining his family, friends and colleagues in the quest to find better options, access to information, treatments, and maybe one day, a cure for those stricken with cancer and other degenerative health challenges. Al speaks at health conferences throughout the world, where he shares with his audience’s health, scientific and insightful information on degenerative disease and integrative approaches. His in-depth experiences and knowledge of health and integrative medicine that has helped many doctors and people find answers, hope and a better quality of life.

Dr. Brenden Cochran, a world-renowned IV, Ozone, and Injection expert who teaches internationally with International IV Therapy for Professionals, will provide hands-on instruction and in-depth theoretical training on all the applications of ozone: Major Autohemotherapy, Minor Autohemotherapy, Limb bagging, Insufflation Ultraviolet Light, “stem cell” Biological Allograft, PRP-Ozone (heparin vs. ACD vs Sodium Citrate), IV hyperbaric ozone, compatibility with other IV treatments.

Andy Belanger, who has more than 30 years of experience coaching clinic teams in optimizing clinic efficiency and enhancing client experience, will address implementation of operating systems and marketing strategies to enhance the practice success.